Digital Manufacturing Roundtable Part 1

In early 2024, some of the key players at D4M sat down to discuss the future of digital manufacturing.

In part one of the discussion, Alan Roy gives us a brief introduction of the concept and its importance going forward.

Without further ado, let’s hear what Alan has to say:

Alan: Digital transformation is essentially using digital technologies to remake how business works. You’ve got to incorporate digital tools across all areas of the company, you need to look at your processes and how they’re done to be more efficient and effective, And (of course, ultimately) our customers tell us that this is the most important element, we’ve got to improve the way that we deliver value, or that our company, our customers deliver value to their customers.

Alan: So overall, it’s just a shift towards a more digital way of operating for the benefit of both the business and the business customers.

Alan: The reason digital transformation is a very hot topic right now, and it’s not just about keeping up with the times, is that it’s about survival. Customers are expecting seamless digital experiences now and if a company is not digitally savvy, competitors with user friendly interactions and online services are going to win. There are new technologies like artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and big data analytics that are constantly emerging and offering businesses new ways to operate/gain insights into their operations. The companies that embrace these advancements have become more efficient, more innovative and – quite frankly – more competitive. The pace of the technological change is accelerating so fast that it seems like it’s hard to keep up with what was cutting edge yesterday can be outdated today.

Alan: So, what we have seen in the industry and what our customers are telling us is that businesses that get stuck in their ways risk falling behind. There are some key technologies that are driving digital transformation. D4M’s focus is a manufacturing/services-oriented company. Our focus is on manufacturers; so, I’m going to describe some of the stuff in that light.

The key technologies that are driving digital transformation include artificial intelligence that can automate tasks and analyze data. They can make predictions, help businesses to improve efficiency and decision making. They can do Cloud computing – that lets businesses have access to computing resources on demand, making it easier to both scale their operations and to reduce their cost.

Alan: So, by analyzing vast amounts of data, companies are able to gain some pretty significant insights into their customer behaviors, trends, and certainly operational performance; you know, the Internet of Things – connecting devices to allow businesses to collect real time data and use that to automate processes and improve efficiency in their operations.

Alan: The speed of change is what makes digital transformation so crucial and companies need to be both adaptable and willing to experiment with those new technologies to stay ahead of the curve.

It’s not a “one-time fix” either; this will be an ongoing process. As we embark on this roundtable discussion, the ultimate question of the panel is this: how do we get started with digital transformation?


Alan: When it comes to embarking on a digital transformation journey, the imperative seems to be “start soon”, and a good place to start for many of our customers has been first in just taking stock of where their current operations are and identifying some key areas where digital technologies can drive the most impact. This includes things like a process evaluation, data analytics, enabling your employees, connecting the operations, all of those are very crucial in that process.

D4M is a privately owned company specializing in leveraging digital technologies to accelerate manufacturing clients to their transition to Industry 4.0. With long tenure and hundreds or successful projects, we are confident that our approach and experience provides the roadmap to help bring clarity and efficiency to your manufacturing operation.

To find out how we can help with your SAP environment, or to learn more about how we rolled out SAP to 60 locations in 60 months, reach out to us today. Contact form and office numbers listed below. 


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D4M International is an IT consulting company focused on transforming manufacturing and operations for optimal performance with SAP and DELMIA. 

We have expertise to help our clients assess, deploy, and maintain key solutions, driving productivity that impacts the bottom line. 

Leaders in Automotive, with expertise in other industries with advanced manufacturing, we operate in North and South America as well as Europe, enabling us to support our clients globally.

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