Optimisation des Systèmes
SAP Health Check, Audit, and Continuous Improvement
Protégez votre investissement et préparez votre croissance future
You’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and resources in your SAP system.
As your business grows, you may be wondering if your SAP landscape is stable and scalable to accommodate that growth. Eliminate the doubt with SAP Health Checks and Audit.
Amélioration continue
Have you invested a huge amount of time and money in implementing SAP and not sure if you have realized the full benefit of the system’s functionality and not getting the expected results?Are you worried that your SAP landscape is stable and scalable to accommodate the future growth of your Organization?Are your SAP users productive and satisfied with your system?
Bilan de santé SAP
What is it?
In depth examination of the overall health and stability of your SAP system
What types of things are examined?
- System Performance
- Interactions with peripheral systems
- Consistency of master data
- Optimal usage
- Possible process duplication
Bilan de santé SAP
- System performance
- Interactions with peripheral systems
- Consistency of master data
- Optimal usage
- Possible process duplication
Audit du système SAP
What is it?
In depth examination of the system performance around transaction processing and response time
What types of things are examined?
- Database and operating system performance audit
- System parameter settings to identify possible bottlenecks
- Transaction security audit
- Authorization settings compared to SAP guidelines
- Identification of conflicting transactions within user roles
Quels sont les avantages ?
- Des résultats rapides
- Analyse complète
- Capacité à identifier les problèmes potentiels
Pourquoi des bilans de santé et des audits SAP ?
Comment nous pouvons vous aider
We can run the health check, perform the audit, and work closely with you to understand the results, impacts, and opportunities.
Que peut faire D4M pour soutenir vos efforts ?
D4M dispose d’une expertise SAP étendue pour soutenir les organisations dans une approche consultative objective afin d’approuver l’état actuel ou de fournir des recommandations sur la manière d’améliorer la qualité des données, les processus ou la performance globale du système.